The object of the game is to find hidden treasure deep in the pyramid. Pick up keys, one at a time, to open the doors to hidden treasures while evading enemies who are trying to destroy you.
Who grabs the teasure?
- Find the location of enemies on the radar and advance carefully picking up the keys (one key at a time) and opening the doors with them
- Bonus points for picking up keys and treasures scatered in the maze.
- Speed of enemies varies to each other so be careful when you attack them by laser beam.
How to Conqure "Tutankham"!!
- You can bean enemies using "Flash Bomber" when you are desparetly in danger (but only once per stage)
- Remember, your laser beam can only shoot horizontally.
- There's a timer set in each stage and you must clear a stage before it runs out.
- Make best use of "Warp Zone" to escape from enemies.
Source: http://flyers.arcade-museum.com/?page=flyer&db=videodb&id=3901&image=2

Rental Status:
Coming Soon
Game Year:
Cabinet Style:
Monitor Orientation: